Classical Ballet is a traditional, formal style of ballet that adheres to classical ballet technique. It is known for its aesthetics and rigorous technique (such as pointe work, turnout of the legs, and high extensions) as well as it's graceful, flowing and precise movements. Classes in this style are offered to all ages both casually and for CSTD examination.
Tap dancing is a form of dance characterised by the use of sound of ones tap shoes hitting the floor as a percussive instrument. it is also considered to be a form of music. The sound is made by shoes with a metal tap on the heel and toe. Tap shoes can be purchased at most dance shops around Melbourne. These classes are also offered to all ages. CSTD examinations are offered but not compulsory.

Jazz is a vibrant and energetic style of dance that has shows a number of styles such as swing, samba, commercial, musical theatre etc. At CB Dancers we explore all these styles and have a strong focus on the technical side of jazz dancing such as flexibility, strength and correct alignment. These classes are also offered to all ages. CSTD examinations are offered but not compulsory.
Hip-hop refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. It includes a wide range of styles and can be used as a fun alternative that helps you achieve stay fit and energised as it gets the heart pumping. It is unique in that it allows students to perform with freedom of movement, adding in their own personalities. It is not as strict in terms of discipline when compared to other dance styles. This class is offered to all ages and will perform a routine at the end of year concert.

Our baby classes at CB Dancers focuses on 2 main styles of dance which are Jazz and Ballet beginning at the very basics of these styles and will progress throughout the year. In this class our aim is to create a fun and energetic environment for our young ones to begin their love for dance in. They will develop a range of different skills including musicality, creativity and individuality. This class is offered to children under the age of 7 years old. These students also get to perform a number of fun routines in our end of year concert to show off their talents.
Musical Theatre and Singing classes are designed to incorporate all three forms of performing arts which are Dance, Singing and Acting. Students will learn skills to assist with performance and get them comfortable performing. Students learn the technical skills required as a singer and learn a range of different singing styles including Pop, Ballad and musical theatre. Classes are offered to all ages. CSTD Performing Arts examination is learnt in this class but is not compulsory. A 15 minute musical is put on at the end of year concert in which students participate in where they show off their dance, singing and acting skills. In previous years we have put on Little Mermaid the musical, Peter Pan the musical and Seussical the musical.

Contemporary ballet is a genre of dance that incorporates elements of classical ballet and modern dance. It allows a greater range of movement in the upper body and may deviate from the strict erect bodylines and forms found in traditional, classical ballet. Many of its attributes come from the ideas and innovations of 20th century modern dance, including floor work, balletic movements and turn in of the legs.
Lyrical dance is a style that combines ballet and jazz dancing techniques. It is performed to music with lyrics so that it inspires expression of strong emotions the choreographer feels from the lyrics of the song. Their movements attempt to show the meaning of the music. It is very passionate and can tell a story through movement. Movements in lyrical are fluid, continuous, and graceful, with the dancer flowing seamlessly from one move to another with little or no stopping, holding finishing steps as long as possible.
Acrobatics is a form of gymnastics that really challenges students and assist with physical skills including balance, agility, and motor coordination. Students will learn tricks such as cartwheels, bridges, front and backward walkovers, no handed cartwheels and many more impressive tricks. Acrobatic classes also assist with strength and muscular control as this is a major component to prevent injury. This class is very exciting for our students and is offered to ages 7 years and above.